Missouri Supporting Early Childhood Administrators (MO-SECA) provides thousands of early childhood administrators across the state with the knowledge, skills, and connections they need to effectively lead and operate sustainable, quality programs. MO-SECA provides no-cost training, tools and 1:1 coaching to help childcare administrators effectively lead and manage their business operations. To learn more about the program, visit www.mo-seca.com.     

Please complete this form to determine your eligibility to participate, provide us with basic information about you and your organization, and to sign up for specific training opportunities. We ask that each individual interested in MO-SECA complete a separate application form to make it easy to determine eligibility and focus our outreach efforts.

Trainings and coaching will take place in your region throughout the year. This form will help us determine which opportunities you are eligible for and help us follow up to make sure you are accessing everything MO-SECA has to offer.   

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